JAM Kids First Week Worship

On January 5, our elementary JAM Kids (Grade 1-5) will join us in the sanctuary for First Week Worship and communion.
They will be dismissed to their classrooms during the service so be sure to register your kids prior to the service.

JAM Kids classrooms are open for birth to Grade 5 during our worship services.

As You Arrive

If you're new, please visit one of our friendly volunteers at JAM Kids Check-in in the Atrium. They will get your kids checked in and let you know where to find classrooms. 

If you've attended before, please check-in at an iPad or computer station in the Atrium. 

After kids are checked in, they go directly to classrooms.*


Check-out is required for newborn to kindergarten. No check-out is required for Grade 1 and up.

First Week Worship

*On the first Sunday of each month, our elementary JAM Kids (Grade 1-5) will join us in the sanctuary for First Week Worship. They will be dismissed to their classrooms during the service so be sure to register your kids prior to the service.


What is Communion

What is Communion, Pursue God Kids

3 Tips for Teaching your Kids about Communion

If you'd like more information, please contact Pastor Donna.