The Lord has given us all a task, commonly known as the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-19); this has become Rachel and Timothy’s job description. To that end, we focus on training and discipling both Arab and International believers to live out their missional call and take the Good News to those whom have never heard it.

Rachel and Timothy live with their two boys, Lucas and Bennett, in a bustling Middle Eastern city, right in the heart of the unreached. Every time we leave our home we are surrounded by people who have never heard or understood the Good News of Jesus. There are over 460 million people in the Arab World, and only a tiny fraction of Christian resource goes towards bringing them into the Kingdom. Stirred by this dramatic need, Timothy and Rachel focus on multiplying missionaries in order to multiply believers.

Historically, it has taken years for someone in our context to make the decision to follow Jesus. There is real persecution and danger for these new believers, and the threat of that alone is often enough to deter a positive response to the Gospel. However, things are changing. The influence of technology and the easy spread of new ideas have allowed people to think about things in different ways. The traditional way of life there has been brought into contrast with current post-modernism and, as a result, there is much more openness to the Good News than ever before.

The Lord isn’t one to let an opportunity go to waste. It is amazing to see how many hearts He is touching. In fact, more people have found Jesus in the last 20 years, then in the previous 1400 years of Islamic history put together. Locals and believers around the world desire to serve Him in the Middle East and this isn’t a coincidence.

Rachel and Timothy are working to train and equip these new workers in order to bring the Gospel into every corner of the Middle East. They do this in several ways. They share about Jesus to people they meet. They host short term teams from all over the world, introducing them to what God is doing in the Arab World. They run discipleship and training programs for people who want to grow in their missionary service. They walk alongside new workers in the land, helping them learn to thrive in cross cultural missions.   

As Romans 10:14-15 says: “How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”’   

Timothy and Rachel work as full time volunteers, without receiving a salary. As such, their livelihood and ministry is entirely funded by the generosity and prayers of the Body of Christ. If you would like to join our support team (designate code Rachel E - ER04 when donating) or receive our newsletters please see the links below. God Bless.