This session explores the importance of understanding and approaching people and sensitive topics in the context of mental health through a Biblical and compassionate lens. While conversation around mental health is much more normalized today, it's not unusual to experience fears of inadequacy or feelings of discomfort when sitting with others who may be going through something we may feel we don't have 'enough' knowledge or experience to listen well. At its root, compassion means to suffer with (alongside). As the church, we're called to partner with love. Not fear. How then do we embody compassion - enter into the suffering of others - when we ourselves might struggle with our own insecurities, doubts, and questions? This session will provide practical strategies for how to respond with empathy and wisdom while supporting those facing mental health challenges.
My name is Liz Kahle and I am a certified professional counselor in private practice providing virtual counselling support for older adolescents (16+) and adults (18+), both for followers of Jesus and those who are not. My primary focii include problematic anxiety (such as fear, overwhelming stress, an overwhelmed nervous system) and trauma - not only helping clients address the root cause(s) of their experience of anxiety/trauma but how to become unstuck and live anxiety free in relationship to God, self, others, and the world they live. My core grounding verses are Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength...and love your neighbour as yourself (Mark 12:30, 31a). We are to love God with our whole beings and from this Centre, love both self and neighbour. While I do practice within the ethical bounds of my profession, my heart is for each person I meet to encounter the full and abundant life - heart, soul, mind, and strength - in Jesus.