To carry out our missions of welcoming, encouraging and supporting women to grow in their relationship with Jesus and others to glorify God.




Loretta Arkell

Team Lead

  • Inspirational Champion
  • Prayerfully seeks vision and strategic planning with the Women’s Ministry HUB team 
  • Communicates vision and team planning with church leadership
  • Encourages women’s leadership capacity and spiritual growth through connection




Melanie Vlasblom

Team Co-Lead

  • Detail champion
  • Prayerfully seeks and determines the details for planned gatherings
  • Helps to execute needed support for connecting women through a variety of opportunities
  • Supports and prays for the Women’s Ministry HUB team




Gwyn Butler

Admin. Lead

  • Operational champion
  • Prayerfully seeks and gives support and coordination to gatherings
  • Records/distributes meeting minutes and provides data collection
  • Supports and facilitates organizational coordination and effectiveness




Claire Moisan

Prayer Gathering Lead

  • Prayer growth champion
  • Prayerfully seeks and plans “Away From The Crowd” gatherings for women
  • Promotes the importance of a deeper and active prayer relationship with Jesus and others




Amanda Grant

Communication Lead

  • Broadcasting Champion
  • Prayerfully seeks inspirational communication through social media and all church messaging outlets
  • Liaises with the Women’s Ministry HUB team and church staff (Communications Coordinator and Media Productions Coordinator) to develop a Women’s Ministry connection presence

Worship Lead

  • Praise and adoration champion
  • Prayerfully seeks and recruits women to provide worship for Women’s Ministry gatherings
  • Plans and coordinates worship sets, provides music sheets and gives direction to worship teams

Gwyn Butler / Loretta Arkell

Discipleship Lead

  • Women in the Word champion
  • Prayerfully coordinates supports and recruits Bible study facilitators/leaders
  • Evaluates opportunities for increased study and growth in the Word
  • Provides administrative support to Bible study facilitators/leaders
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