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Whether you’re comfortable in denim or like to get decked out in pearls (or both), you’ll fit right in ‘cause this gathering was planned just for you. Come and enjoy time with friends of ALL ages and in various stages of life. 

Ladies, join us for an evening of worship, conversation and connection. Let us celebrate and encourage one another for the work that God is doing in the lives of our community.

We are honoured to have Rem Vlasblom from Freedom 8848 share how God took a crazy fundraising event and turned it into a full-blown ministry. As well, Pat Ruttan and Claire Darby will share how their experience of participating in the Everest Freedom Challenge impacted them. 

What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go in search of the one that went astray? ~ Matthew 18:12 ESV

To bless Freedom 8848 and the work that God's doing, we will be taking an offering to support this ministry.


We invite you to participate in THE NOT-SO-SECRET FRIENDSHIP CONNECTION. At the end of the evening, we will draw names for those who choose to participate. Once you've exchanged names, you will have until the next Denim & Pearls event to intentionally connect for coffee or a visit to get to know someone new in our community. 


Friday, February 28, 7:00 - 9:00pm


Cochrane Alliance Church




Please email the Women's Hub below ( for information or to RSVP by noon on Friday, February 28.



Our next Denim & Pearls Gathering will be held on May 2.