February 23 - Fruit of the Spirit: Patience & Kindness

February 16 - Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness & Self-Control

Prayer to Cultivate Gentleness & Self-Control

"Heavenly Father, I confess that I often allow myself to be controlled by my desires and my impulses rather than by Your Spirit. Please forgive me and help me to draw closer to You, walking in Your Spirit every moment of every day. I recognize there is often anger and fear that speaks loudly to me, so help me to be gentle and be quick to listen and slow to speak. This is impossible apart from Your grace, so please lead me to still waters and green pastures. Give me godly wisdom and gentle answers. Give me the ability to control my words and my emotions. In the name of Jesus, by the work of the Holy Spirit, I ask these things be done. Amen."

February 9 - Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness & Faithfulness

February 2 - Fruit of the Spirit: Joy & Peace

January 26 - Fruit of the Spirit: Love

Cultivating Love Through Shared Stories and Strategies

Click each title below to link to the resource.

The Power of Love to Change a Life

Learning to Have Good Conversations

Love, Trauma & Partisan Politics

How to Disagree in Politics

How to Connect with Gen Z